Pictures - 1994:

  • 1994 - my daughter Emily did this water-color - it made me think she'd become an artist.  She's driving now, just turned 18 and at college - times flies.  She's very talented - her artistic side drove her towards fashion and design - she was president of the Winter Park High School Fashion Club.  Her beauty, inside and out and expressed through her art, fashion and taste for colors (Mom does most of the painting - Emily picks out the colors) fills our home with warmth.  She's also is the funniest person that I've ever met - she can draw belly laughs and also play the intellectual Tina Fey type and blow your socks off.  Quick minded wit and confident, and can change gears from classy to slapstick and back in a second.  Ready to cut her own path.  She's entertaining and loving - a rare combination - humor's not a shell or barrier for her, it springs from within.  She ratchets up the universal-feel-good-fun-knob for everyone who knows her.
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